Club Tiny Signs is the place to be for caregivers of babies & toddlers (ages 0-3) looking for fun & easy ways to teach their little ones sign language


Lane Rebelo, LCSW is the author of four bestselling baby sign language books and the founder of Tiny Signs®, an award-winning baby sign language program. She has been teaching baby sign language to parents and professionals since 2009 and has helped tens of thousands of families succeed and have fun communicating with basic sign language.

Lane's #1 Bestselling books

"I remember staring at my first baby and wondering what she was thinking. Giving her the tools to communicate early made both of our lives so. much. better. I truly believe baby signing is a game changer and an amazing opportunity to connect with your child!"

Lane Rebelo
Founder of Tiny Signs

"I remember staring at my first baby and wondering what she was thinking. Giving her the tools to communicate early made both of our lives so. much. better. I truly believe baby signing is a game changer and an amazing opportunity to connect with your child!"

Lane Rebelo
Founder of Tiny Signs

Lane Rebelo, LCSW is the author of four bestselling baby sign language books and the founder of Tiny Signs®, an award-winning baby sign language program. She has been teaching baby sign language to parents and professionals since 2009 and has helped tens of thousands of families succeed and have fun communicating with basic sign language.

Lane's #1 Bestselling books